HCI Isotope Labs

In the HCI building experiments with open ionizing radiation have to be performed in designated radioactivity laboratories (C-labs).
In total there are three departmental isotope-specific labs in the HCI which are located in the D-floor between the 3rd and 4th finger (lab numbers: D388.1, D386 and D382.2/3):

HCI Isotopenlabore-Schema

These C-labs are equipped with a variety of radioanalytical instruments (for more information please see section radioanalytical instruments), radiation protection measuring equipment and shielding material.
Entry to these C-labs is only admitted to people who have received an appropriate introduction (including education in radiation protection).
Please contact the radiation protection officer Dr. Stefan Gruber, if you want to work with open ionizing radiation, for an initial assessment of the feasibility of the experiment and read carefully the "Guidelines for working with radioactive substances in the HCI Isotope Labs".


  • Education of staff and students in radiation protection
  • Organization of triage/incorporation measurements & person dosimetry
  • Radioanalysis of liquid samples (liquid scintillation counting and γ-spectrometry)
  • Wipe-tests
  • Lend out of closed radiation sources and radiation protection measuring devices (Geiger counters) for teaching and research

Radioanalytical instruments:

Radioanalytical instruments:
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